Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Maya: end of the world postponed to 2116

According to Maya's prophecies the end of the World should happen December 21 2012. Although this estimation was wrong! So it was said by  Bohumil e Vladimir Böhm , the first is a mathematician and the second is a Maya's history teacher. Following these brothers estimations we should expect the end of earth for 2116.

Studies where published on Astronomiche Nachrichten. It all starts by saying that Maya had different calendars: en fact the spiritual one was made by 260 days, the agricultural one of 365 days, their weeks were made by 9 weeks. Calculus made by the archaeologist John Eric Sidney Thomson which lead the world to think that the world ended 2012 were wrong cause he didn't consider the long war that interrupted their calendar missing entire years!

What to say,hopefully Mr. Thomson was really wrong and none of us (excluding the discovery of a new elixir to live longer) should see what happens. Even after these studies people are still making underground bunkers all over the world.

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